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Welcome to the Shop dedicated to Contact Thermography
Professional systems for the analysis of cellulite and adiposity.
Take advantage of a rapid, repeatable, objective, and non-invasive test:
advise your client on the best treatment for cellulite or localized adiposity.
for the analysis of cellulite and adiposity
Choose the professional product that best suits your needs.
Professional thermographic systems can be used by: beauty salons, Spas, pharmacies,
herbalists with beauty cabins, medical clinics, nutritionists, gyms, and fitness centers.
1.161,00 €
Professional system for cellulite analysis 3 thermographic plates with a...
1.264,00 €
High-definition system for the analysis of abdominal adiposity Three high-resolution...
532,00 €
Basic system for cellulite analysis Two reusable thermographic plates to...
400,00 €
Basic system for the analysis of abdominal adiposity Two reusable...
Contact Thermography
Born in the 70s in the medical field, contact thermography is used today, in the field of professional aesthetics, for the detection and analysis of cellulite and localized adiposity based on its thermal aspects.
The system is based on the use of liquid crystal plates, capable of changing color depending on the temperature of the skin with which they come into contact; by placing the plates on the body, thanks to the chromatic variation, it is possible to detect the presence, even early, of cellulite or localized adiposity.
Thanks to the interpretation of thermographic images, specialists will thus be able to identify the different stages of cellulite (oedematous, fibrous, sclerotic) and the type of adiposity and proceed by setting up targeted treatments.

- 1. early identification of the very first stages of cellulite, when it is impossible to detect it and it is not yet visible, to be able to intervene with preventive treatments;
- 2. classify the stages of cellulite to choose appropriate treatments;
- 3. objectively and scientifically demonstrate to the woman the need to undergo a targeted treatment and then convince her to buy the treatment IMMEDIATELY;
- 4. monitor, if necessary, the progress of the treatments (both manual ones, such as massages, and those with electronic equipment or professional cosmetic products);
- 1. verify and localize the presence of adiposity (in men and women);
- 2. distinguish between soft and hard fat;
- 3. demonstrate to the customer the need to undergo treatment;
- 4. locate the most problematic areas of the adiposity to be treated;
- 5. check the BEFORE and AFTER treatment to build customer loyalty.
Method and Interpretation
The contact thermography method is patented and allows to detection of the stage of cellulite or localized adiposity in an objective, non-invasive, and harmless way.
How to interpret thermographic images:
Thanks to the interpretation of the images, specialists will thus be able to identify the different stages of cellulite (oedematous, fibrous, or sclerotic) or to distinguish soft from hardened adiposity.
Thermographic analysis of cellulite:
Absence of cellulite: the thermographic image will be uniform.
Oedematous cellulite: the thermographic image will appear with spots with blurred edges.
Fibrous cellulite (micronodules): the thermographic image will appear with more defined outlines, with so-called leopard skin images.
Sclerotic cellulite (macro nodules) the thermographic image will appear as black holes surrounded by spots of other colors.
Thermographic analysis of adiposity:
Soft adiposity: the thermographic image will appear with yellow, green, and light brown spots.
Hardened fat: the thermographic image will appear as black or dark brown spots.